Your child should be reading 30 minutes each night not only to become a better reader but to practice what we learned in our classroom that day. Your child should be bring their "bag-o-books" home everyday and I would love for them to read a few of these books before reading any other books. These are picked especially for them and are on their reading level. Throughout the year we work on many different skills that will help each student become the best reader they can be. Questioning, schema, and fluency are just some of the skills. Please have your child read the story to you or someone that can help them if they need extra help. Remember to give specific praise as you listen. "I noticed you..." Also be sure to ask questions about the story to help build comprehension. Use the literacy files that are attached under the activities for home tab.
Mathematics and Language Arts
Your child will have a daily Mathematics/Language Arts practice sheet to complete, this may be a sheet located in their "Homework" folder or in their workbook. It is meaningful work that has been taught in our classroom which will help deepen your child's knowledge of the second grade curriculum. I will never send homework to be completed that has not been covered in class first, all students should know the material and be confident in completing it.
Your child will have daily spelling homework, activities with the words may vary each night.